Reasons Why We Lose Our Peace

Peace Balance Anxiety

Inner peace is something we all hope for, but like anything else it takes some work to achieve. Peace is waiting within all of us, but unfortunately, we often lose our inner peace and let destructive responses to our emotions take over.  

If we know what to look for, we can stop negative emotional responses in their path and keep peace as a part of our daily lives.


Here are some of the reasons why we lose our peace:


  • We Expect Perfection. Sometimes we do this without realizing it, but we always seem to be striving for perfection to an unnatural degree. You need to allow yourself to make mistakes and move forward, instead of kicking yourself for making a mistake you think you could have avoided.


  • Being Afraid. When we allow fear into our lives, it can disturb our peace momentarily. We need to accept our fears for what they are in order to live a value driven life and eventually a peaceful balance will be restored.


  • Anger and Resentment. Some people don't realize that strongly negative emotions like anger and resentment are detrimental to your health and well-being. If these emotions arise, it's important to take a few deep breaths and release them in a way that is most effective for you individually.


  • Being Too Busy. In this fast-paced world, it's easy to take on too much. If we start to feel too stressed out, we lose our interior freedom. Sometimes busyness and stress are unavoidable, which is why it's important to take frequent breaks.


  • Accept Challenges. Accept challenges and accept your situation. Once you can come to terms with the reality of the situation you're in, you'll no longer have to deal with the negative emotional response that is fighting against you.


  • Regrets. Regrets can cloud your current thinking with thoughts of the past that are unchangeable. When we regret the past, we lose the opportunity for peace in the present moment.




Think about everything in your life that you're happy about and things that make you proud and allow that to bring you joy. Remember that peace usually accompanies positive emotions.


You might regret a decision or a certain thing that happened to you. However, those negative things had to happen in order for you to be given the life that you have now. The positive things would not be there without the negative ones too. You can find peace again by remembering that everything balances out.




If you've lost your peace and negative emotions are the culprit, try meditation. You can discover many things about yourself and achieve inner peace by using this simple practice.


The heart of meditation is accepting things as they are. Meditate on the fact that you need to accept all emotions to become free.


Achieving Inner Peace


Inner peace doesn't have to be achieved by any set rule. The most important thing to remember is to find something that works for you personally.


Set a certain amount of time each day that you can dedicate to maintaining peace. It could be meditation, listening to your favorite music, or taking a bath. Whatever it is, when you take these simple steps, you'll achieve an unshakeable freedom within you!

 Learn More about Therapy for Perfectionism and Low Self-Esteem by Clicking Here

If you’re finding yourself stressed, overwhelmed, or too anxious to reach peace please feel free to email/call me for a free, no obligation, consultation. Remember, you deserve to have the life you want! 317-648-9295.

Heather Srncik

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

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