Therapy for Stress Management
Indiana | Iowa | Florida | Arkansas | Michigan | South Carolina |Vermont
Gain clarity, strength, and serenity so you can live life to the fullest.
If you are experiencing stress, overwhelm, or burnout I can help you reset and find balance.
Is constant stress and overwhelm taking over your life?
Are you struggling with focus, irritability, or mood swings?
Do you feel like you are missing quality time in your life because of the mental chaos?
You wonder if you are on the brink of collapse, totally overwhelmed?
Maybe you see the pattern and want to prevent burnout?
Perhaps you have accomplished many of your goals and aspirations but somehow you feel empty, lost, or discontent. Or maybe you are pretending like you have it all together with the “fake it till you make it” mentality.
Thoughts such as, “I feel like I’m drowning, something has to give” and “I’m so exhausted, I don’t know how much longer I can do this” fill your mind, yet you just keep on going, like a shell of yourself.
You find yourself exhausted, to the point of having no energy left for your friends, children, or your partner? You are often irritable and short with those you love most, maybe even miserable to be around?
Then the guilt follows…or the “should haves.” You continue putting everyone else’s needs and demands first and possibly find yourself thinking, “I need help, can’t anyone tell how overwhelmed I am?” Instead, more is just expected of you, no one seems to notice or understand.
Stress is unavoidable.
Learning to handle these feelings and use them to your advantage is the key to taking your power back.
You are stronger than your emotions.
Therapy for Stress can help you…
Explore and gain valuable insight to identify the root cause of your overwhelm and burnout
Set boundaries to reduce overwhelm, while feeling strong and empowered
Develop skills to manage your stress and avoid burnout so you can thrive in your career and relationships
Grow confidence so you can make decisions and stop wasting time
Feel calm by applying functional and realistic stress management skills
Finally, you can feel pride in your accomplishments and excitement about the future
Learn to manage your stress and change your life.

Now is the time to start living with purpose, confidence, and inner peace.
Find freedom from chronic stress, overwhelm, and debilitating burnout.
Yes, stress is a biological adaptation to keep us alive. The problem is that we are experiencing higher levels of stress than ever before. Past traumas, anxiety, and daily stressors can take a toll on both our bodies and minds. Choosing to begin therapy for stress has the ability to change the way you handle stress permanently. An increased sense of peace, decreased irritability, a greater ability to focus, and improved quality of life are just a few of the positive outcomes experienced from stress management therapy.
As a mental health therapist, I am educated and trained on the most effective techniques to get you where you want to be. Having a support system outside of therapy is important and valuable as well. The difference between a conversation with a friend versus a trained professional is that I am completely unbiased, our work is confidential, and I provide you with targeted tools to combat daily stressors.
Firstly, congratulations on deciding to take this life-changing step. I will help guide you during our first session and provide you with an idea of how I can help your exact situation. My goal is that by continuing to attend sessions with me, you will experience lowered stress levels, lessened anxiety, and an overall sense of peace in your daily life.

Everyone has stress. Some stress is even good — it can help us focus on the important things.
But at a certain point, stress becomes overwhelming. Too much stress starts to impact our lives. We get short with those we love and miserable to be around. Perhaps even apathetic to our responsibilities and the world around us.
Types of Therapy I utilize
● Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
● Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
● Mindfulness Based
● Exposure Response Prevention
● Solution Focused
● Strength based
The type of therapy utilized largely depends on the individual’s strengths and barriers. I have been trained in a variety of modalities and evidence-based models in order for you to have the best outcomes. Two modalities that are particularly helpful for stress are Solution Focused and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. I have included some information here if you would like to read about these modalities as well as goal setting in more detail.
The goal of solution-based therapy is to identify a course of action to solve a problem. Rather than focusing solely on the reason why the problem exists, we will work to build an actionable plan to make a change. Some solution-based therapy techniques that we will explore in our work together are mind mapping, journaling, and goal setting.
Mindfulness gives us the ability to control our thoughts, and as a result, our actions. This practice is like building muscle. It takes time, patience, and effort to achieve. We will use a combination of relaxation techniques, breath-work, progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, and meditation that work together to lower your body's cortisol levels and achieve a sense of calm.
• Specific to you and the current events happening in your life
• Measurable goals need to be broken down into elements you can gauge and assess weekly
• Achievable goals are those that get you out of your comfort zone while still being possible to do
• Realistic goals give you a practical target to strive toward and help contribute to what you want to achieve in life
• Time-bound goals have a start and completion date so you can learn how to divide your time wisely and get more done.
If your stress is changing you - turning you into a version of yourself that you don’t like and aren’t proud of - I can help provide you with tools that will guide you through acceptance and flexibility.
These tools will then forever be with you to use when life gets stressful and overwhelming.
Heather Srncik, LCSW
I can teach you stress management techniques like mindfulness which could make a tremendous difference. I will remind you to make some time for yourself - that such time is worth it so you can perform at your best the rest of the time. And we will discuss the sources of your stress to evaluate how you might make changes to reduce your stress levels.
Together, we can put stress back in its place.