Understand and Prepare for Panic Attacks

Understand and Prepare for Panic Attacks

While not everyone with anxiety deals with panic attacks, many people do. Some have the occasional panic attack, while others suffer from panic disorder, where you get them frequently and often without warning. To better deal with your panic attacks, understand what they are and what they are not, and prepare for them.

Common Signs of a Panic Attack

It is very possible that you have had panic attacks but had no idea that was what you were experiencing. This is especially true for people who grow up with anxiety, where these anxiety attacks just feel normal after a certain point. Here are some common signs of a panic attack:

Worsening worries and fears
Rapid heartbeat
Sweating and flushing
Tunnel vision
Shaking and trembling
Feeling a flight or fight response
Dizziness and lightheadedness

Understanding the Reality of a Panic Attack

Once you know what a panic attack is like, the next step is to understand what is happening. Remember that while it can feel like something is seriously wrong with you, you are not having a heart attack. Your body is responding to what your mind is telling you. It will also not last a long time. For most people, full-blown panic attacks last about 10-15 minutes. Get to a safe, peaceful place and wait it out if you can.

Ways to Stop Panic Attacks

While a panic attack is not going to last forever, it can feel like you are quickly losing control, and like it will never get better. When you feel like this, there are a few ways to lessen the effects of your panic attack. Here are some options:

Count backwards from 100 – This is a simple trick that allows you to focus on something else for a short period of time. It is really helpful when a panic attack is at its peak. Just count backwards from 100 to get through a difficult situation, such as if you are driving while having panic.

Find a distracting activity – If you are able, find something that will distract you for a few minutes until it passes, such as writing in a journal or playing with your pets.

Talk to someone – Many people find it easier to be around other people while they are having a panic attack. Call someone if you can, as being around someone else makes you feel like you have someone there just in case something happens. This reassurance can be a wonderful tool.

Learn More about Therapy for Anxiety, Overthinking, and Rumination by Clicking Here

Heather Srncik

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


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