How to Reset your Mindset

Reset Mindset Fear and Courage

We are creatures of habit, and that includes our mindset and thought patterns. You have probably noticed this when something stressful or upsetting happens; your mind tends to go the same place it always does. While this can be frustrating, it is also very possible to change how you react by changing your entire mindset.

Flip the Script

Flipping the script is about taking your normal thought processes and flipping them. All those negative thoughts and the negative self-talk can be turned around into something positive. Remember the point is not to put pressure on yourself and force yourself to be positive all the time. That just is not realistic. Let life happen but try to find the positive when possible. Stop talking down to yourself, be optimistic, and look for ways to put a positive spin even on stressful situations. The more you do this, the more natural it becomes.

Be More Self-Aware

It is a wonderful gift when you can learn to be self-aware and understand what motivates you, what bothers you, what inspires you. The more you know about yourself, the more you can use that to guide you toward success and happiness. Self-awareness does not always come naturally, and like anything else in life, is something you need to work on. But if you can learn why you do what you do, you can learn how to reset your mindset to work with those natural instincts.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

To reset your mindset, you may need to step out of your comfort zone a little, even in your own thoughts. Do you find it comforting to just sulk in your negative emotions and dwell on them? This might seem like it is easier, but you are allowing yourself to feel worse than necessary. Try to get out of your comfort zone thoughts by thinking about things in a new way. Not just thinking more positively but reframing your thoughts and peeking out from that dark little corner in your mind.

Develop New Habits and Routines

Lastly, start developing some new habits and routines that better fit the mindset you want, not the mindset you have right now. You might have been telling yourself that you can never lose weight because you do not like healthy food but that is just what you have programmed your mind to think. What if you start telling yourself you LOVE healthy and nutritious food, and you do not like fattening food because it doesn’t make you feel good? This simple shift can turn into a new habit.

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Heather Srncik

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

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