Nurture Your Own Mental Health
Mental Health Set Sail Therapy & Counseling Fishers Indiana
Nurture Your Mental Health with a Mental Health Routine
As you go down the road of improving your mental health, you might come across the topic of nurturing your own mental health. This means you work on yourself and your mindset and do what you can each day to manage your own mental health. It doesn’t replace medications or seeking out therapy, but it can be used in conjunction with it. This all depends on you and what mental illnesses you struggle with. Here are some ways you can start to nurture your own mental health.
Understand and Accept Where You Are Today
To nurture your mental health, it requires a level of acceptance. Not accepting that it will never get better, but just understanding where you are today at this moment. Get to a place where you aren’t constantly trying to get to the next level if it is berating who you are and where you are right now.
This can apply to anything in your life, from your physical appearance to your habits, profession, personal relationships, and of course your mental health. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to constantly change and be better, and just find a place of acceptance.
Have Scheduled “Me” Time
Yes, we’re talking about self-care. Just because it has become a trending topic the last few years, doesn’t mean it isn’t important and valuable! Self-care is nothing more than your “me” time. Activities that you choose to do for your own happiness, contentment, health, and fulfillment.
When thinking about self-care, don’t rely so much on what others choose to do. Self-care is a very personal thing, so the activities you choose to do during your “me time” might be completely different from someone else. It can be completing an art project, doing a puzzle, watching your favorite show, taking a nap, going for a walk, or taking a bath. There are no limits and no right or wrong way to do it.
Log Off and Find Relaxing Activities
Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your own mental health is to log off. Turn the phone off, shut off the television and close your computer. It is not uncommon for social media and a constant flux of news and opinions to harm your mental health without realizing it. If you find that you get angry, sad, frustrated, or feel inferior when you log onto Instagram or Facebook, it’s time to take more breaks from it. Give your mind a break and focus on other activities.
Know When it’s Time to Let Go
Letting go can be a difficult part of life, but it is often something you need to embrace in order to nurture your mental health. This can be letting go of people who tend to be a negative influence or just toxic in general, letting go of a job you hate that is causing more anxiety, letting go of habits that are no longer serving you.
Why Create a Mental Health Routine?
A daily mental health routine is one where you are able to focus on yourself, practice some self-care, and reduce stress while also working on that work-life balance. It might sound like a lot and it is, but if you stick to a routine, it will turn into daily healthy habits you don’t even have to think twice about. Here are some of the top reasons you should consider creating a mental health routine.
It Helps Keep Your Anxiety Low
If you have an anxiety disorder, your routine is not going to cure it, but it can definitely help with those feelings of anxiety that pop up from your own bad habits. The routine you have each day can either help or hurt you, but often it does both. You might think that jumping on social media first thing in the morning is helping you get it out of the way before work, but this is probably increasing your anxiety and stress.
With a mental health routine, you can create a healthier morning routine that gives your mind a break and lets you wake up slowly without all that social media noise.
Manage Your Daily Stress
In addition to helping with anxiety, having a mental health routine can also reduce your stress. Just think of how much stress you add to your day simply by not getting everything done, not being aware of what you need to do, or having a poor work-life balance. This is even more important if you work from home, but any profession needs some structure.
With your daily routine, it is not just about your morning routine, but the different habits you have throughout the day. From choosing to eat lunch outside instead of in your office to fitting in some exercise, you can add these little habits that are good for your mental health and reduce stress at the same time.
Build Strong, Healthy Habits
With a mental health routine you commit to every day, it includes healthy habits that aren’t just good for your mind, but your body as well. It is not uncommon to add healthy habits that are amazing for your overall wellness. For example, many people have started adding yoga or morning stretching to their wakeup routine. This reduces stress and anxiety, helps you get a healthy start to the day without too much intensity, and also helps improve your physical health as well.
If you’re finding yourself stressed, overwhelmed, anxious please feel free to email/call me for a free, no obligation, consultation.
Remember, you deserve to have the life you want! 317-648-9295.
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