How to Have a Productive Year

Find the Calm How to Have a Productive Year

Whether it is a few days before the new year or January has already begun, it is not too late to have the most productive year ever. And it is not about doing as much as you can, working non-stop, and not having a life. For a productive year, it just requires a little planning and balance.

Stop Repeating the Same Mistakes

You know what they say: Doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting different results, is the definition of insanity. If you want to be more productive than you have been before, then you must do things differently. Take some time to figure out what you have been doing that is not working and do it differently. Do not just keep repeating the same pattern, the same mistake. If you have been trying for years to complete a goal in one specific way, then it obviously is not working. Try something else!

Treat Productivity Like Progress, Not Perfection

Productivity is not something you learn and can master on day one. It is a way of making progress toward your goal, doing a little more each day. Everything you achieve in life is a process, through a matter of small steps that slowly get you to what you are trying to achieve. Think of productivity in the same way. It is not about working as much as you can, doing as much as you can non-stop. It is about making small choices that gradually improve how much you do.

Take Time Off

Working more hours than anyone you know is not going to make you more productive, even if you think it gives you bragging rights. There is nothing heroic about working your fingers to the bone.  Make sure you are planning for regular breaks, days off, and even vacations. This is especially true if you work for yourself. It can be harder to take time off because you feel like you are always working, whether home or not. You need to plan for times of the day when you take breaks, and days of the week where you are off.

Adapt and Change When Necessary

The most successful people are the ones that are aware of what is working, and what is not, and make changes when necessary. If this past year taught us anything, it is that we cannot predict everything in life, and we need to learn how to adapt to change. When the most unexpected thing happens, how well suited are you to change direction, while still being productive? This is something to work on if you want the most productive year ever.

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Heather Srncik

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Social Anxiety and Professional Commitments


Stop Avoiding Your Anxiety